Good in study, attitude and health

Sophos XG防火墙身份验证绕过漏洞(CVE-2022-1040)利用分析

0x00 前言

CVE-2022-1040是一个Sophos XG防火墙的身份验证绕过漏洞,漏洞细节可参考《CVE-2022-1040 Sophos XG Firewall Authentication bypass》,本文仅在此文章的基础上补全文中未提到的技术细节。

0x01 简介


  • 本地恢复带有漏洞的调试环境
  • OpCode的寻找方法
  • WAN和VPN区域的利用思路
  • 开启login disclaimer切断利用链

0x02 本地恢复带有漏洞的调试环境








在修改文件前需要重新挂载:mount -o remount,rw /


0x03 OpCode的寻找方法



select opcode,mode,waitforresponse,operationtype,responsetype,requesttype,opcodetype,responsetimeout,entityid,beanname,syncable,comprotocol,query,requestname from tblcrevent order by mode



psql -U pgrouser  -d corporate -c "select opcode,mode,requesttype from tblcrevent where requesttype=2;"


                opcode                 | mode | requesttype
 set_system_date                       |  271 |           2
 update_l2tp_connection                |  227 |           2
 update_pharming_protection            |  259 |           2
 export_connection                     |  238 |           2
 migrate_group_to_cyberoam             |  407 |           2
 group_policy_mapping                  |  408 |           2
 migrate_group_summary                 |  409 |           2
 migrate_group_add                     |  410 |           2
 change_gui_language                   |  127 |           2
 tooltip                               |  454 |           2
 wizardopmode                          |  156 |           2
 wizardbridgemodezoneaction            |  157 |           2
 wizardinterface                       |  158 |           2
 wizardinternetaccess                  |  159 |           2
 wizardnotification                    |  160 |           2
 wizardtimezoneconf                    |  161 |           2
 wizardfinish                          |  162 |           2
 sslvpn_liveuser_logout                |  240 |           2
 migrateuser_csvupload                 |  503 |           2
 DownloadMyAccountQuarantineMail       |  463 |           2
 download_certificate                  |  250 |           2
 load_new_firmware                     |  243 |           2
 cancel_firmware_upload                |  184 |           2
 CUSTOMER_REGISTRATION_REQUEST         |  176 |           2
 APPLIANCE_REGISTRATION_REQUEST        |  175 |           2
 TRAIL_SUBSCRIPTION_REQUEST            |  177 |           2
 SUBSCRIPTION_REQUEST                  |  178 |           2
 RELEASEQUARANTINEMAILFROMMAIL         |  458 |           2
 import_group                          |  406 |           2
 download_ca_certificate               |  361 |           2
 theme_apply                           |  323 |           2
 login                                 |  151 |           2
 myaccount_login                       |  451 |           2
 Download_AV_MyACQuarantineMail        |  472 |           2
 Download_AV_MyACQuarantMailOld        |  186 |           2
 DownloadMyAccountQuarantMailOld       |  192 |           2
 release_quarantine_my_ac              |  488 |           2
 release_quarantine_my_ac_old          |  489 |           2
 checkForApplianceUpgrade              |  602 |           2
 Download_AV_QuarantineOldMail         |  189 |           2
 download_backup                       |  466 |           2
 dryrun_new_firmware                   |  183 |           2
 download_ctr                          |  704 |           2
 REGISTRATION_SYNC_WITH_SERVER         |  181 |           2
 ccc_opcode_request                    | 1500 |           2
 Download_AV_QuarantineMail            |  471 |           2
 download_old_spam                     |  493 |           2
 ReleaseQuarantineMail                 |  460 |           2
 ccc_compress_dir                      | 1502 |           2
 ccc_appliance_login                   |  603 |           2
 ccc_login                             | 1503 |           2
 delete_file                           | 1505 |           2
 add_protocol_group                    |  961 |           2
 update_protocol_group                 |  962 |           2
 add_application                       |  963 |           2
 update_application                    |  964 |           2
 add_protocol_identifier               |  965 |           2
 reset_to_default                      |  966 |           2
 ccc_flush_sql_file                    | 1501 |           2
 verify_manual_update_content          |  139 |           2
 login_disclaimer_action               |  716 |           2
 resend_crederntials                   |  952 |           2
 sms_gw_test_connectivity              |  954 |           2
 generate_captcha_code                 |  958 |           2
 ccc_opcode_pull_request               |  605 |           2
 renew_guest_user                      |  953 |           2
 add_guest_user_log_msg                |  956 |           2
 failed_sms_log                        |  957 |           2
 add_guest_user                        |  746 |           2
 sms_status_log_msg                    |  955 |           2
 dns_static_entry_add                  |  142 |           2
 update_cisco_ipsec_connection         |  344 |           2
 dns_static_entry_update               |  143 |           2
 system_backup_for_CCC                 |  604 |           2
 usbmodem_setting_gui                  |  185 |           2
 download_crl_certificate              |  350 |           2
 web_cat_domain_import                 |  421 |           2
 web_cat_keyword_import                |  422 |           2
 wDNSServerConfiguration               |  522 |           2
 getmodemdetail                        |  423 |           2
 sslvpn_logout                         |  405 |           2
 iview_login                           |  385 |           2
 create_virtualhost_rules              |  767 |           2
 create_user_iphone_ipsecprofile       |  345 |           2
 CyberoamIPSAutoUpgrade                | 1202 |           2
 checkcert_key                         | 1203 |           2
 update_ipsec_connection               |  224 |           2
 setAlertSettings                      | 1201 |           2
 set_config_mmap                       | 1366 |           2
 fwm:Set_BypassFirewall                | 1262 |           2
 networkd:set_interface_speed          | 1263 |           2
 set_mtu_mss                           | 1261 |           2
 loginSecuritySettings                 | 1208 |           2
 enable_appsignatures                  | 1368 |           2
 set_config_mmapfilepath               | 1369 |           2
 br_vlan_setting                       | 1264 |           2
 upload_list_as                        | 1729 |           2
 add_list_as                           | 1727 |           2
 guestUsersPrintLog                    | 1216 |           2
 API_Interface                         | 1655 |           2
 CCC_OPCODE_READ_REQUEST               | 1551 |           2
 ccc_xmlopstring_request               | 1504 |           2
 API_INTERFACE_TAR                     | 1656 |           2
 activate_ami_image                    | 1627 |           2
 API_Interface_Set                     | 1659 |           2
 Import_Export_Set                     | 1657 |           2
 DOWNLOAD_EXPORT_FILE                  | 1658 |           2
 Create_Unbounded_Lag                  | 1220 |           2
 reportHtmlFile                        |  684 |           2
 download_ap_firmware                  |  822 |           2
 mlm_method                            | 1271 |           2
 monitorObject                         | 1733 |           2
 downloadserverconfig                  | 1754 |           2
 removeconfigfile                      | 1747 |           2
 uploadserverconfig                    | 1748 |           2
 systemHostName                        | 1211 |           2
 print_voucher                         | 1415 |           2
 export_csv                            | 1413 |           2
 download_hotspot_template             | 1420 |           2
 u2d_validate                          | 1646 |           2
 supportaccessglobalconfig             | 1739 |           2
 sslvpn_liveuser_insert                |  501 |           2
 download_cc_report                    | 1678 |           2
 wizardsummaryconf                     |  520 |           2
 red_provisioning_bundle               | 1330 |           2
 download_spx_addons                   | 1679 |           2
 hb_event_req                          | 3102 |           2
 ep_status                             | 3103 |           2
 apiExport                             | 1187 |           2
 mta_add_list                          |  848 |           2
 view_mailfromspool                    | 4010 |           2
 usbmodem_status                       |  425 |           2
 ReleaseQuarantineMailOld              |  191 |           2
 DownloadQuarantineMail                |  461 |           2
 upload_list                           |  701 |           2
 add_list                              |   81 |           2
 get_four_eye_auth_status              | 3104 |           2
 update_web_user_notification_settings | 2811 |           2
 apply_wizard_config                   | 2510 |           2
 new_wizard_checkethernet              | 1241 |           2
 new_wizard_get_ipaddress              | 1242 |           2
 new_wizard_check_gatewayisreachable   | 1243 |           2
 new_wizard_check_dnsworking           | 1244 |           2
 new_wizard_get_values                 | 1245 |           2
 get_iface_obj                         | 1281 |           2
 wizard_get_unbounded_iface            | 1250 |           2
 ipaddress_validation                  | 1283 |           2
 get_wizard_fstatus                    | 2520 |           2
 change_admin_password_scm             | 2530 |           2
 allow_deny_unauth_traffic             | 3116 |           2
 download_backup_for_SFM               |  515 |           2
 send_feedback                         |  860 |           2
 getuuid                               |  861 |           2
 apply_NAT_wizard_config               | 3215 |           2
 add_custom_ccl                        | 2814 |           2
 download_mib_file                     | 3715 |           2
 update_custom_ccl                     | 2815 |           2
 SophosCentralUnregister               | 1324 |           2
 SophosCentralRegistration             | 1323 |           2
 SetCentralPromotionPopupState         | 8111 |           2
(160 rows)

0x04 WAN和VPN区域的利用思路


作为额外的安全措施,从WAN和VPN区域登录Sophos XG防火墙的管理员页面添加了验证码




csc custom debug
tail -f /log/csc.log 


再次执行csc custom debug



private boolean validateCaptcha(HttpServletRequest httpRequest) throws JSONException {
    boolean isCaptchaValid = false;
    JSONObject jsonPayload = new JSONObject(httpRequest.getParameter("json"));
    String captchaText = null;
    if (jsonPayload.has("captcha")) {
        captchaText = jsonPayload.getString("captcha");
        CaptchaHelper ch = new CaptchaHelper();
        CyberoamLogger.debug("CSRFCheckFilter", "Captcha code is: " + captchaText);
        isCaptchaValid = ch.validateCaptchaChallenge(httpRequest, captchaText);
    } else {"CSRFCheckFilter", "Captcha empty");

    return isCaptchaValid;

public boolean validateCaptchaChallenge(HttpServletRequest request, String captcha) {
    try {
        HttpSession session = request.getSession();
        String challenge = (String)session.getAttribute("captchaChallenge");
        if (challenge != null) {

        if (challenge != null && captcha != null && challenge.equals(captcha)) {
            CyberoamLogger.debug("Captcha Helper", "challenge:" + challenge + " captcha:" + captcha + " true");
            return true;

        CyberoamLogger.debug("Captcha Helper", "challenge:" + challenge + " captcha:" + captcha + " false");
    } catch (Exception var5) {
        CyberoamLogger.error("Captcha Helper", "Error in validateCaptchaChallenge :", var5);

    return false;




Alt text

0x05 开启login disclaimer切断利用链


我在测试过程中,找到了一种简单直接的防御方法:开启login disclaimer


登录Web管理页面,依次选择Administartion->Admin and user settings->勾选Enable login disclaimer

开启login disclaimer后,登录时会弹出声明页面,如下图

Alt text


0x06 小结

本文在技术研究的角度补全《CVE-2022-1040 Sophos XG Firewall Authentication bypass》中未提到的技术细节。